Duke Single Cell Initiative (SCI)

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Single cell and spatial profiling is a field of dynamic, rapidly developing research that is changing the way we view previously intractable problems and which allows for the generation of completely new hypotheses. We hope that you will be active participants in the seminar series and the field at Duke.

The Duke Single Cell Initiative (SCI) Research In Progress (RIP) Seminar Series was launched following a successful, virtually held Single Cell Colloquium in 2021. The intent of Duke SCI (“sky”) RIP is to create an environment in which ongoing research will be presented in two 30-minute talks by wet and dry lab investigators.

Zoom link for all seminar dates:  https://duke.zoom.us/j/95283805573?pwd=N3RweHd5LzhnOFIxR0tkSm1waUFldz09

Meeting ID: 952 8380 5573
Passcode: 965440

Monthly Duke SCI RIP seminars will be held on the 4th Monday of the month from 12-1pm, unless otherwise noted. The meetings will be virtual through June 2022, then we will take a hiatus over the summer.  In September 2022 we will resume and begin meeting in-person in MSRBIII Room 1125. Pizza and soda will be served at the in-person meetings.


Date Speaker




Two 30 minute talks at every meeting. This is a great opportunity to elicit ideas from your peers about data and study design and for trainees to ‘road test’ more lengthy talks.

Please contact Irina (irina.gutierrez@duke.edu) if you would like to present.

SCI Image