The Human Physiology Testing (HPT) Core offers clinical procedures related to the biochemical and physical functions of the human body, including physical fitness assessment, physical activity monitoring, energy expenditure measurement, evaluation of glucose metabolism, body composition measurement, phlebotomy and nursing services, and muscle biopsy procedures. Located on the Center for Living campus with its convenient free patient parking, the HPT Core is ideal for conducting outpatient research with human subjects. The HPT Core contains facilities in both the Duke Aesthetics Center and the Sarah W. Stedman Nutrition and Metabolism Center buildings.
In addition to offering testing services, HPT Core staff can assist with protocol development, subject recruitment, scheduling study appointments, general nursing services, data analysis, and other aspects of study design and management. In addition to the three physician specialists on staff, the HPT Core staff members conducting the clinical procedures are all master’s level degree or higher professionals, most of whom have more than 10 years of clinical research experience at Duke. While the HPT Core does not provide laboratory analyses, samples can be stored in ultra-low temperature freezers or easily transferred to another facility that provides these services.