Brian Duscha wins the 2021 Mark A. Creager Prize for Research Excellence

The journal Vascular Medicine awarded the manuscript “Skeletal muscle capillary density is related to anaerobic threshold and claudication in peripheral artery disease”, authored by DMPI member Brian Duscha, the 2021 SVM Mark A. Creager Prize for Research Excellence. The virtual award ceremony was held September 11, 2021.

This award is given annually in recognition of Dr. Mark A. Creager to honor his 19 years of excellence as Editor-in-Chief of Vascular Medicine and more than 28 years of service to the Society, including service as SVM President from 1993–1995. The Creager prize recognizes the authors of the most meritorious research article published in Vascular Medicine in 2020. Brian’s article has received this award based on outstanding scientific importance, novelty/quality, and potential for impact in the field.

Duscha and fellow authors William E Kraus (DMPI), William S Jones, Jennifer L Robbins, Lucy W Piner (DMPI), Kim M Huffman (DMPI), Jason D Allen, and Brian H Annex, demonstrated evidence of multiple strong relationships between muscle capillary density and functional capacity measurements in patients with PAD. Their findings have clinical relevance for both exercise training and quality of life in the substantial population of patients with PAD in the US and worldwide.
