For more than a decade, James Bain, PhD has led DMPI’s productive collaboration with Northwestern University on metabolomics in the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Outcome Study (HAPO) and the HAPO Follow-Up Study (FUS). Our consortium has published >15 papers focused on small-molecule metabolism in gestational diabetes that have been highly cited and discussed. Deep molecular phenotypes of maternal and neonatal serum correlate with short- and long-term outcomes in both mother and child. The work has involved targeted metabolomics contributed by Drs. Olga Ilkayeva and Robert Stevens, clinical analytes measured by Dr. Mike Muehlbauer and team, and non-targeted metabolomics performed by Dr. Muehlbauer, Demitrius Hill and Dr. Bain (pictured, left to right). Importantly, sustained NIH funding of the program has contributed to evolution of the non-targeted metabolomics program at DMPI.
Congratulations to JB and team!